What is Hardwood?

Hardwood is a type of wood that comes from dicot trees.


Hardwood is a term used to describe a type of wood that originates from dicot trees. These trees are known for their broad leaves, slow growth, and dense wood fiber, which contribute to the hardwood's strength, durability, and fine grain. Hardwoods are sourced from trees such as oak, maple, cherry, and walnut, which are deciduous and lose their leaves annually.

In the context of interior design, hardwood is prized for its natural beauty, resilience, and versatility. It can be used in various applications, from flooring and [[carpets|flooring]] and furniture to decorative details and structural elements within a space. The characteristics of hardwood, including its grain patterns and colors, can significantly influence the aesthetic appeal and atmosphere of an interior.

Choosing the right type of hardwood for a specific application involves considering factors such as the wood's hardness, color, grain, and overall aesthetic compatibility with the design. The beauty of hardwood also allows for various finishes, enabling designers to further customize spaces according to the desired look and feel.


Hardwood is commonly used in interior design for creating durable and aesthetically pleasing surfaces. For example, it is popularly chosen for flooring and [[carpets|hardwood flooring]] due to its longevity and ease of maintenance. Besides flooring, hardwood can also be found in high-quality furniture, cabinetry, and architectural details, such as molding and built ins.

In contemporary interior design, hardwood is often valued for its natural warmth and ability to create a cohesive look throughout a home or commercial space. It also serves as a sustainable choice, as many hardwood suppliers practice responsible forest management.


  • What makes hardwood different from softwood?

    Hardwood comes from dicot trees, which have broad leaves and produce dense, durable wood, while softwood comes from gymnosperm trees with needles and cones. Hardwoods usually have a more intricate grain pattern and are generally more durable than softwoods.

  • Is hardwood sustainable?

    Hardwood can be a sustainable choice if sourced from responsibly managed forests that adhere to standards of sustainable forestry, which ensures that the harvesting of wood does not lead to deforestation or harm the environment.

  • How do I maintain hardwood surfaces?

    Maintaining hardwood involves regular sweeping or vacuuming to remove dirt and grit, promptly cleaning up spills, and occasionally refinishing the surface to protect it against wear and enhance its appearance.

Practical Application

When incorporating hardwood into an interior design project, consider both the visual and practical aspects. Choose a type of hardwood that complements the desired aesthetic and meets the functionality needs of the space. For areas with high foot traffic, choose a harder wood like oak or maple for increased durability. Always seek hardwood that has been certifiably sourced from sustainable forests to ensure an eco-friendly choice. Lastly, remember that proper maintenance is key to preserving the beauty and lifespan of hardwood surfaces.