What is Victorian?

Victorian refers to a design style that emerged during the reign of Queen Victoria.


When one thinks of Victorian style in interior design, images of opulence, elaborate decorations, and intricate details often come to mind. Named after Queen Victoria, whose reign from 1837 to 1901 marked a period of significant industrial, cultural, and artistic change, Victorian style encapsulates the aesthetics and societal attitudes of the era.

Victorian interior design is characterized by its attention to detail, with an emphasis on deep, rich color palettes, heavy furnishings, and an abundance of accessories. It often includes features like elaborate wallpaper, ornate furniture, stained glass, and decorative moldings. The style reflects both the technological advancements and the societal norms of the time, with rooms often dedicated to specific functions such as dining, living, and entertaining.

This period also saw a keen interest in the exotic and the historical, leading to eclectic mixes of Gothic, Tudor, Elizabethan, and even Egyptian influences within the larger Victorian style. The result is a diverse and visually complex aesthetic that can add a touch of grandeur and historical depth to modern interiors.


In modern times, Victorian style is often used to bring a sense of elegance and historical depth to spaces. Homeowners might choose Victorian-inspired furniture, incorporate elaborate wallpaper designs, or integrate antique pieces to achieve this look. In public spaces like hotels or restaurants, Victorian elements can add a layer of sophistication and visual interest, enhancing the overall ambiance.


  • Can Victorian style be incorporated into modern interiors?

    Yes, Victorian style can be seamlessly integrated into modern interiors by selecting key elements such as ornate furniture, rich color palettes, and decorative accessories. Mixing Victorian pieces with contemporary design can create a balanced and unique aesthetic.

  • Is Victorian style considered formal?

    Victorian style is often seen as formal due to its emphasis on opulence, detailed decorations, and structured spaces. However, it can be adapted to suit less formal settings by using select elements lightly.

  • What are common color schemes in Victorian interiors?

    Victorian interiors commonly feature deep, rich color schemes, including burgundy, navy, forest green, and dark browns. These are complemented by opulent gold or silver accents, contributing to the style’s luxurious feel.

Practical Application

To incorporate Victorian style into your design, focus on selecting key elements that embody the era’s opulence and attention to detail. Choose rich, deep color schemes and pair them with ornate furniture and decorative accessories. Incorporate texture through fabrics like velvet and silk, and don't shy away from elaborate patterns in wallpapers or textiles and upholstery. Remember, balance is key; too many elements can overwhelm a space, so consider selective use of Victorian-inspired pieces to add historical elegance without sacrificing modern comfort.