What is Plywood?

Plywood is a versatile and durable building material made from thin layers of wood veneer.


Plywood, a staple in the construction and interior design industries, is celebrated for its strength, durability, and flexibility. Made by gluing together thin layers or "plies" of wood veneer, plywood is created under high pressure to form a larger and thicker panel. This cross-graining technique, where each layer is placed at a right angle to the previous one, significantly improves the material's strength and reduces expansion and shrinkage, providing a dimensional stability that's hard to match.

Due to its layered construction, plywood showcases a unique aesthetic that can be both industrial and warm, depending on its treatment and usage. It's widely used in architectural elements, furniture types, and even as an underlying layer for many flooring and [[carpets|flooring]] options. Its versatility extends to various grades and types, each suited for different environments and purposes - from exterior constructions to interior finishes.

For interior design, plywood brings a blend of practicality and visual appeal. It can be used in raw form for a minimalist, modern look or be covered with laminates, veneers, or paints to suit any design style or preference. Additionally, plywood is often considered a more sustainable option compared to solid wood because it can be made from smaller trees and utilizes almost every part of the log, reducing waste.


In interior design, plywood is often chosen for its aesthetic versatility and functional benefits. It is commonly found in cabinetry, countertops, furniture, and decorative wall paneling. Plywood provides a cost-effective solution for constructing durable pieces with a modern flair, and its application ranges from creating custom-built items to enhancing the structural integrity of existing ones.


  • Is plywood durable enough for furniture?

    Yes, plywood is highly durable and suitable for furniture-making. It's especially popular in creating contemporary and custom-built pieces due to its strength and versatility.

  • Can plywood be used outdoors?

    Plywood can be used outdoors but it should be specifically designed for exterior use. Exterior-grade plywood is treated to resist moisture and decay, making it suitable for outdoor projects.

  • Is plywood environmentally friendly?

    Plywood is often considered more sustainable than solid wood, as it utilizes almost all parts of the log, reducing waste. However, the environmental friendliness also depends on the manufacturing process and sourcing of the wood veneers.

Practical Application

When incorporating plywood into your designs, consider the specific grade and type that suits your project needs. For aesthetic appeal, explore the different finishes that can enhance the natural beauty of plywood or align it with your design vision. Ensure to use exterior-grade plywood for outdoor applications to prevent moisture damage. Additionally, joining plywood edges cleanly can elevate the overall look of your design pieces, showcasing the material's quality and precision.