What is a Sidemark?

A notation or label used to identify materials or items for a specific project or client in interior design.


In the realm of interior design, a sidemark is a crucial notation or label that helps designers, manufacturers, and clients keep track of materials, furniture, or other designed elements specifically allocated for a particular project or client. This organizational tool is especially important when dealing with multiple projects or when orders need to be accurately assigned and shipped to their intended destination.

Sidemarks are typically written on order forms, fabric swatches, or packaging, and usually include the client’s name, project name, and sometimes specific room or location where the item will be used. This ensures that when items arrive at a storage, warehouse, or directly on site, they can be easily identified and correctly distributed, minimizing the risk of mix-ups or delays.

Moreover, sidemarks may also include additional notes regarding the installation, care, or customization of the item, providing all parties involved with valuable information at a glance. This simple yet powerful tool fosters efficient project management, clear communication, and overall success in turning interior design concepts into reality.


When an interior designer places an order for fabric for a client's living room makeover, they will include a sidemark on the order indicating 'Smith Residence - Living Room Drapery.' This ensures that when the fabric is delivered, it can be easily recognized and allocated to the correct project.


  • Can sidemarks be digital?

    Yes, sidemarks can be digital and are often used in online order forms or emailed communications to maintain clarity across digital platforms.

  • Are sidemarks only useful for large projects?

    No, sidemarks are beneficial for projects of any size, helping to organize and track items regardless of the project scale.

  • What should be included in a sidemark?

    A sidemark should typically include the client's name, project name, and specific location or room where the item will be used. It may also include additional details relevant to the item's use or installation.

Practical Application

To effectively use sidemarks in an interior design project, ensure every order form, email, or digital document related to the project items includes a sidemark. This can include labeling fabric swatches, tagging furniture items, and marking packages. Keeping a consistent format for sidemarks throughout the project will help streamline the organization and delivery process.