What is Pegged Furniture?

Pegged furniture is furniture that has been assembled using pegs to join its parts.


Pegged furniture refers to a technique in furniture making where wooden pegs are used to join different parts of the furniture together, such as legs to the table top or assembling the frame of a chair. This traditional technique is valued for its durability and the aesthetic appeal it lends to the furniture. The use of wooden pegs, often contrasting in color or wood type, creates a distinctive look that highlights the craftsmanship involved. Besides aesthetics, pegged joinery is known for its strength. Without the reliance on metal fasteners or adhesives, pegged furniture can maintain its integrity for generations, often becoming heirloom pieces due to its longevity.

This method is aligned with both historical craftsmanship and contemporary sustainability trends. The pegged joinery technique dates back to ancient times, and it aligns with current sustainable practices by avoiding synthetic glues and minimizing metal hardware. Furniture crafted using this method can range from rustic pieces that celebrate the natural beauty and texture of wood to more refined and modern designs where the pegs serve as subtle accents.


You'll often find pegged furniture in contexts that value traditional craftsmanship, such as handcrafted or artisan furniture collections, or in designs that aim for a durable and sustainable approach. Items like dining tables, chairs, and cabinetry, which benefit from strong joinery, are common examples of pegged furniture.


  • How does pegged furniture differ from other types of joinery?

    Pegged furniture relies on wooden pegs for joining parts instead of metal fasteners or adhesives, offering a unique aesthetic and environmental benefits.

  • Can pegged furniture be considered eco-friendly?

    Yes, the use of natural materials and avoidance of synthetic glues make pegged furniture align well with eco-friendly and sustainable design principles.

  • Is pegged furniture only suitable for traditional designs?

    No, while pegged joinery is a traditional technique, it can be used in both rustic and modern furniture designs, often adding a distinctive touch to the piece.

Practical Application

When selecting or designing pegged furniture, consider the contrast between the pegs and the primary wood, as this can add a striking visual element. Additionally, ensuring the furniture is crafted by skilled artisans will guarantee the durability and quality of the joinery. Pegged furniture can be a centerpiece in both traditional and contemporary spaces, offering a story of craftsmanship and sustainability.