What is Coil Count?

Coil count refers to the number of coils used in the construction of a mattress.


Coil count is a term commonly used in the context of mattresses, especially those that are innerspring or hybrid models. It denotes the total number of coils contained within the mattress. This figure is often used as an indicator of the mattress's potential support, comfort, and durability. The philosophy behind coil count is straightforward: more coils generally mean better support and distribution of weight, leading to a more comfortable sleep experience.

However, it's important to note that while coil count can be indicative of quality, it's not the sole factor to consider when evaluating a mattress. The type of coil, the gauge (thickness) of the wire, and the construction method (such as pocketed coils versus open coils) also play significant roles in the overall performance of a mattress. Therefore, while a high coil count can suggest a level of sophistication and potential comfort, other factors should be considered in conjunction to get a complete picture of a mattress's quality.


In interior design, especially when designing bedrooms or selecting furniture for a restful and supportive sleep environment, the coil count of a mattress might be a consideration among many. For instance, a high-end bedroom design might feature a bed with a high coil count mattress, emphasizing not only the aesthetic elements of the space but also the comfort and quality of the sleep experience.


  • Does a higher coil count always mean a better mattress?

    Not necessarily. While a high coil count can suggest better support and durability, the type of coils, their construction, and the quality of other materials in the mattress are also important factors.

  • Can coil count affect the firmness of a mattress?

    Yes, to an extent. A higher coil count can contribute to a firmer feel, especially if the coils are individually pocketed. However, the overall firmness will also depend on the mattress's top layers and the gauge of the coils used.

  • Are mattresses with high coil counts more expensive?

    Often, yes. Mattresses with higher coil counts tend to be priced higher due to the increased material and labor costs involved in their construction. However, price also reflects other features and materials used in the mattress.

Practical Application

When shopping for a mattress, it's helpful to consider the coil count as part of your evaluation but not the sole criteria. Compare coil counts within the context of other features such as the type of coil, coil gauge, and the materials used in the mattress's layers for a well-rounded understanding of its potential quality and comfort.