What is a Spindle?

A spindle is a slender, rounded rod with tapered ends, traditionally made of wood.


In the realm of interior design, a spindle is more than just a definition; it’s an expression of both function and form. This slender, rounded rod, often made of wood, can vary in length and thickness and is usually characterized by its tapered ends. Spindles have been a staple in furniture types for centuries, offering structural support while adding aesthetic appeal through their delicate shapes and patterns.

Spindles can be found in various settings, contributing to a range of design styles from the traditional to the contemporary. They are particularly prominent in elements such as staircases, where they form part of the balustrade, and in chairs and tables, offering both support and decoration. Beyond their practical application, spindles can also play a significant role in the overall style of a space, contributing to a sense of elegance, charm, or rusticity, depending on their design.

The crafting of spindles involves techniques of fabrication and craftsmanship that have been passed down through generations. Whether turned, carved, or shaped by hand, each spindle reflects the artistry and skill of its creator. The material choice, typically wood, but sometimes metal or plastic, further influences the spindle's appearance and application. The versatility of spindles in design allows them to be integrated into other decorative objects, enhancing their visual appeal and functionality.


An example of spindle usage in interior design is the elegant, carved wooden spindles that often make up the backrest of a furniture types|[[traditional dining chair]]. In this context, the spindles provide structural support while also contributing to the chair's aesthetic value with their intricate designs. Another common application is in staircases, where spindles are used in the balustrade, serving both a safety function and adding a decorative touch to the space.


  • Are spindles only used in traditional designs?

    No, spindles are versatile and can be incorporated into a wide range of design styles, from traditional to contemporary. The materials and design patterns of the spindles significantly influence their suitability for various decors.

  • Can spindles be made from materials other than wood?

    Yes, while wood is the most traditional material, spindles can also be crafted from metal, plastic, and other materials, each adding a different aesthetic and functional quality to the design.

  • How do spindles contribute to the safety of staircases?

    In staircases, spindles are part of the balustrade, which prevents falls by creating a barrier between the steps and the drop-off. Their design can also provide additional grips, enhancing safety.

Practical Application

When incorporating spindles into your design, consider the overall style and atmosphere you're aiming to achieve. The choice of material, the intricacy of design, and the placement all play crucial roles in how spindles will influence the look and feel of a space. For a unified design, ensure that the spindle style complements other elements within the room, such as furniture types|furniture, window treatments, and wall treatments and finishes.