What is a Concept Statement?

A concept statement articulates the vision and overarching theme for an interior design project.


A concept statement is a brief yet comprehensive outline that defines the essence and ambitions of an interior design project. It serves as a foundational document which guides the design process, ensuring that every decision aligns with the original vision and overall theme of the project. This document can vary in length and detail but always seeks to communicate the main ideas, feelings, and goals the designer aims to achieve through their work.

Crafting a successful concept statement requires a deep understanding of the client's needs, the functionality of the space, and the desired aesthetic. It often includes references to colors, textures, materials and textiles, and architectural elements, as well as the emotional response the designer intends to evoke. The concept statement bridges the gap between the client's aspirations and the practical application of design, offering a roadmap from initial ideas to final execution.

The concept statement is pivotal in the early stages of a design project, serving not only as a tool for internal clarity among the design team but also as a means to communicate the project's direction and purpose to stakeholders. It ensures that everyone involved has a clear understanding of the project goals, facilitating a cohesive and coordinated effort throughout the design and implementation phases.


In a residential design project, a designer might create a concept statement that revolves around the idea of "serene living," incorporating elements of sustainability and eco friendly design, natural light, soft, calming colors, and open, airy spaces to achieve this. In a commercial setting, a concept statement for a boutique hotel might focus on "urban oasis," leveraging urban design styles, lighting, and modern materials and textiles to create a feeling of escape within the city.


  • Why is a concept statement important in interior design?

    A concept statement is critical because it establishes the project's vision and guiding principles, ensuring that design choices are cohesive and aligned with the intended outcome. It also aids in communicating the project's direction to clients and stakeholders, fostering a mutual understanding and facilitating a smoother design process.

  • How does a concept statement differ from a mood board?

    While a concept statement articulates the design vision and objectives in words, a mood board offers a visual representation of the style, colors, and feel of the project. Both are essential tools in the design process, but the concept statement provides the rationale and direction that informs the visual aspects captured in a mood board.

  • Can a concept statement evolve during a project?

    Yes, a concept statement can evolve as the project develops, especially in response to new insights, client feedback, or unforeseen challenges. However, any changes should still aim to uphold the core vision and goals outlined in the original concept statement to maintain project coherence.

Practical Application

When crafting a concept statement, start by gathering inspiration and thoroughly understanding the client's needs and aspirations. Consider the space's function, the desired aesthetic, and how to evoke the intended emotional response. Be concise yet descriptive, and ensure the statement reflects a clear, achievable vision. Utilize it as a guiding document throughout the design process, referring back to it during decision-making to ensure consistency and alignment with the project’s goals.