Predominantly natural greens, earthy browns and greys
The color palette is naturally harmonious.
The desk and chair fulfill the basic requirements of a workspace.
The arrangement takes full advantage of the natural light and view.
The surrounding forest canopy diffuses natural light.
There does not appear to be any artificial lighting.
No textiles are visible in the image.
The 'decor' is the untouched natural environment.
The 'floor' is the natural forest ground.
The range includes natural earthy tones from soil and foliage.
Traditional office supplies on the desk.
The juxtaposition of office items in a natural setting offers an intriguing contrast.
Movement around the desk appears unrestricted.
As a conceptual or temporary workspace.
An office immersed in a natural forest setting.
The surrounding environment for work-break areas or contemplative spaces.
Improve the practicality of the workspace considering comfort and preservation of equipment.
Any changes should be minimal and reversible to maintain the integrity of the natural space. Eco-friendly solutions may incur additional cost.